DL2032 vs. CR2032: What are Differences and How to Choose

Author: Release time:2023-08-01 Source: Font: Big Middle Small View count:538

DL2032 and CR2032 are both popular coin cell batteries that find wide application in various electronic devices, including watches, remote controls, calculators, and more. While they may appear similar in terms of size and voltage, there are important differences between DL2032 and CR2032 batteries that users need to be aware of.


Understanding the distinctions between these battery types is crucial for selecting the right battery for your specific device. In this article, we will compare DL2032 and CR2032 batteries in terms of their chemistry, performance, and compatibility, helping you make an informed decision when choosing between the two.



What is DL2032

DL2032 is a type of button cell battery. It is a round, flat battery with a diameter of 20 mm and a thickness of 3.2 mm, hence the name DL2032.


DL2032 battery is a lithium battery commonly used in various small electronic devices, such as watches, calculators, mini remote controls, electronic game consoles, electronic scales, etc. It has a high energy density and a long service life. It has high energy density and long service life, and is widely used in many portable electronic devices.DL2032 battery can also be used in some medical equipment and measuring instruments.

1. Features: Pros and cons

The features of DL2032 battery are as follows:




Moderate size: With a diameter of 20 mm and a thickness of 3.2 mm, the DL2032 battery is one of the more common types of coin cell batteries. Its suitable size makes it suitable for many small electronic devices.


High energy density: Despite its relatively small size, the DL2032 battery has a high energy density and is capable of providing relatively long life. This makes it suitable for devices that require higher energy requirements.


Long life: DL2032 batteries typically have a long life span and are able to continue to supply power for longer periods of time. This is useful in some devices that require extended use, reducing the need for frequent battery replacement.


Stability: DL2032 batteries use lithium battery technology, which has good voltage stability and can provide relatively stable voltage output throughout its service life.


Widely used: The DL2032 battery is widely used in many small electronic devices, including watches, calculators, mini remote controls, electronic game consoles, electronic scales, and more. It is also used in some medical equipment and metering instruments.



Disposable: The DL2032 battery is a disposable battery and cannot be recharged. Once the battery is exhausted, it needs to be replaced with a new one, increasing the cost of use and environmental burden.


Harmful substances: DL2032 batteries contain harmful substances, such as lithium and other chemical substances, which need to be disposed of properly to avoid pollution of the environment.


Limiting current output: DL2032 batteries may not be able to provide sufficient current output in some devices with high power requirements, resulting in reduced performance or failure of the device to function properly.

2. Alternative

CR2032, BR2032, LIR2032, ECR2032

3. Cost

The exact cost of DL2032 batteries may vary by region, brand and purchase channel. In general, the cost of DL2032 batteries is relatively low because it is a common button cell model that is relatively well produced and available.


Common price ranges for reference:


  • Individual batteries: Typically, a single DL2032 battery costs between $0.50 and $2.00. Prices can be affected by brand, packaging and distribution channels.

  • Multiple battery packs: Multiple battery packs will usually be more economically priced than a single battery. For example, a package containing multiple DL2032 cells may range from $2 to $10, depending on the number of cells included in the package and the brand.

What is CR2032


Maximum size:20.0×3.2mm
Nominal capacity:240mAh
Nominal voltage:3.0V
Operating temperature:-20°C ~ +60°C
Reference weight: 3.0g

The CR2032 is a coin cell battery type that has the same dimensions as the DL2032 battery. It is a round, flat battery with a diameter of 20 mm and a thickness of 3.2 mm. CR2032 batteries use lithium-manganese technology, which has a high energy density and a long service life.


CR2032 battery is widely used in various small electronic devices, including watches, calculators, mini remote controls, electronic game consoles, electronic scales and so on. It is also commonly used in some medical equipment and measuring instruments. CR2032 batteries have good voltage stability and can provide relatively stable voltage output to ensure normal operation of the equipment.

1. Features

CR2032 button cell has the following advantages compared with traditional batteries:

  • Small size and light weight, easy to carry and use;

  • Long life span, normally 2-3 years;

  • Stable voltage, no degradation of equipment performance due to reduced power;

  • Pollution-free and pollutant-free, in line with environmental protection requirements.

2. Notes on CR2032 coin cell batteries

Although CR2032 button cell batteries have many advantages, the following points need to be noted in the process of use:


  • Do not overcharge or over-discharge the battery, as this will affect the battery life;

  • Do not mix the battery in the trash or stack it in a hot, humid or corrosive environment;

  • Do not continue to use the battery when its surface is damaged or deformed;

  • Do not allow children to touch the battery to avoid injury caused by accidental ingestion or accidental touch.

3. CR2032 coin cell battery replacement cycle

CR2032 button cell battery life is generally about 2-3 years, depending on the frequency of equipment use and battery quality and other factors. It is generally recommended to replace the new battery in time when the battery power is low to ensure normal operation of the equipment.

4. Alternative

CR2450、CR2025 和 CR2016

5. Cost

The following are some common price ranges for reference:


  • Individual batteries: Typically, a single CR2032 battery costs between $0.50 and $2.00. Prices can be affected by brand, packaging and distribution channels.

  • Multiple battery packs: Multiple battery packs will usually be more economically priced than a single battery. For example, a package containing multiple CR2032 cells may range from $2 to $10, depending on the number of cells included in the package and the brand.

DL2032 VS CR2032 - The Differences Between Them

CR2032 vs DL2032.png




Lithium Manganese Dioxide

Lithium Manganese Dioxide

Nominal Voltage



Dimensions (Diameter x Thickness)

20mm x 3.2mm

20mm x 3.2mm

Typical Capacity




Wide range of small electronic devices

Wide range of small electronic devices


Less common, may be harder to find

More common, widely available


May be slightly more expensive

Generally more affordable


Slightly lower voltage stability

Good voltage stability





CR2032 vs DL2032 - Are They Equivalent 

Yes, CR2032 and DL2032 batteries are generally considered to be equivalent. Both CR2032 and DL2032 batteries have the same dimensions (20mm diameter, 3.2mm thickness) and voltage (3.0V). They are both commonly used in a wide range of small electronic devices such as watches, calculators, remote controls, and electronic scales.


The main difference between CR2032 and DL2032 batteries lies in the manufacturer or brand. The "CR" prefix typically refers to batteries manufactured by Panasonic, while the "DL" prefix refers to batteries manufactured by other companies. However, in terms of performance and compatibility, there is usually no significant difference between the two. Many electronic devices that specify the use of CR2032 batteries can also safely use DL2032 batteries as equivalents.


It is worth noting that variations in manufacturing processes and quality control may result in slight differences in performance, such as capacity or voltage stability, between different brands or models of CR2032 or DL2032 batteries. However, for most general applications, the two battery types can be considered functionally equivalent. 


CR2032 vs DL2032 - How to choose 


The following factors can be considered when choosing between CR2032 and DL2032 batteries:


Equipment requirements: First, check the specifications and requirements of the equipment to determine the type of battery it recommends or is compatible with. If the device explicitly specifies a CR2032 battery, then it is best to choose a CR2032 battery. Likewise, if the device explicitly specifies a DL2032 battery, then it is best to choose a DL2032 battery. Following the device manufacturer's recommendations is key to ensuring optimal performance and compatibility.


Availability and reliability: Consider the availability of CR2032 and DL2032 batteries in your area. CR2032 batteries are usually more common and readily available, as Panasonic is one of their major manufacturers. However, DL2032 batteries may be more readily available in certain regions or for specific brands. Make sure you can easily find the type of battery you need.


Brand and quality: Choosing a battery from a well-known brand ensures higher quality and performance. When purchasing batteries, check the brand's reputation and user reviews to choose a reliable brand. Although CR2032 and DL2032 batteries are identical in size and voltage, the build quality of the brand may vary.


Price and cost effectiveness: Compare prices of different brands and distribution channels to find the best cost effectiveness. Consider the price of a single battery as well as the price of multiple battery packs. Weigh price and quality against budget and needs.


In summary, it is best to choose a CR2032 or DL2032 battery based on a combination of equipment requirements, availability, brand and price. Follow the equipment manufacturer's recommendations and choose a well-known brand and a reliable quality battery as far as feasible.


DL vs. CR Batteries 

What does CR stand for in a battery? According to IEC rules, in lithium batteries, chromium is also used, which is why it is also known as a CR battery. Most people associate CR with button or coin cells, but it is the chemical name for chromium.


C - stands for lithium manganese dioxide.

R - After the other letter indicates a round cell with the chemistry shown in the first letter.

Numeric - The last four digits indicate the size, the first two digits indicate the diameter, and the last two digits indicate the thickness.

All cells containing this chemical in the cell can use this abbreviation CR.


  • DL is the manufacturer's own name now, defined by the IEC standard is CR, two models with the same voltage, same size, different manufacturers.

  • dl is its own internal model code, dl2032 represents the manufacturer's cr2032 button cell

  • cr is the common number of coin cell batteries, 2032 refers to 20mm diameter 3.2mm thickness.

In terms of the battery dl2032 and cr2032 only represents whether a manufacturer, everything else is the same.




In conclusion, DL2032 and CR2032 batteries are commonly used coin cell batteries with similar sizes and voltages. However, they differ in terms of chemistry, performance, and compatibility. DL2032 batteries utilize lithium manganese dioxide chemistry, while CR2032 batteries employ lithium manganese dioxide or lithium-ion chemistry.


DL2032 batteries often have a higher capacity, making them suitable for devices that require more power. On the other hand, CR2032 batteries are widely available and compatible with a broader range of devices. When selecting between DL2032 and CR2032 batteries, it is important to consider the specific requirements of your device and choose the battery that best suits your needs.

Further Reading: CR2 VS CR123

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